Monday 8 April 2013

It's Raining, It's Snowing...

Well, surprised was an understatement when it started snowing this morning in Flagstaff. Then the winds started picking up and sending tumbleweeds down the road at the same speed as the cars and we became a little worried.

We knew it was getting serious when all these old timers started walking around the campsite starting up conversations about the best way to stop their pipes from freezing up. Then we found out that a snow storm was bearing down on the whole region.

Note to selves: check Weather Report when we first get internet access.

We knew America's Winter extended well into Spring but a snow storm in Arizona in April was not something we'd anticipated.

So here we are in Flagstaff, itching to go to the Grand Canyon, holed up in an RV park and waiting it out.

Though in saying that, while it was still just sleet, we braved part of Route 66. I'd like to think that it was to absorb some of the history of the road, but it was purely by accident - it was the way to Walmart and Best Buys.

And now we are the proud owners of a TV and are hooked into the cable here, enjoying the delights of spongebob squarepants and his contemporaries.
Happy days!