Saturday 27 April 2013

San Diego to Los Angeles

We're following the coastline north from San Diego, taking Highway 1 when we have the option (sometimes the only option is the interstate).

After our night in San Elijo State Park, we spent the morning down on the beach, watching the surfers, the paddle boarders and the Surfliner trains go by.

The next night we stayed at Doheny State Beach, at Dana Point, which was a great spot for flying the kites the boys now have.

The stretch from Dana Point through Laguna Beach to Newport Beach was particularly beautiful - Orange County.

We found a fantastic playground at Laguna Beach in fact and spent a long time there.

But then we hit the sprawl of Los Angeles and being city-phobic as we are, we drove straight through to Malibu (leaving our boys' dreams of Disneyland in Bessie's dust!) Well, not really - they have extremely short memories thank goodness and so while "we might go to Disneyland" brought on momentary excitement, it hasn't been mentioned since.

So we stayed the night in an RV park atop a cliff side above Malibu Seafood where we bought some yummy fish and chips.

In the morning, Nath and I took turns doing the Corral Canyon loop trail, starting at Sara Wan Trailhead, before we set off again.

A consistent thread through every stop we have - whether it's a campground or a playground or a beach - is that the boys seek out other kids like heat-seeking missiles.

Indy is the most extreme form of gregarious and we adults are generally a little more on the reserved side so it's forcing us out of our shells a little bit because we need to go and introduce ourselves to people (as part of the process of apologising for Indy swiping their food or Dash playing with their toys, etc).

But the great thing about chatting with so many people along the way has been that we have found out about great little places that we wouldn't otherwise have known about. In the next blog, I'll tell you about Solvang, one such place that we might have missed except for some folks who kindly 'shared' their hotdogs with Indy.