Friday 28 June 2013

Atomic Energy 101

Now here's something you don't see every day....

The world's first nuclear power plant - EBR 1 - is just outside of Arco which was incidentally the first town in the world to be nuclear-powered.

The 'Atomic Museum' is the very spot where in 1951 four lightbulbs were brought to radiant life by the wonders of science.... blah blah blah. 

I'd like to tell you that the kids really took it all in and were filled with awe but it's kind of hard to explain to them the significance when you're standing on the very top of the nuclear reactor at the world's first atomic power plant.

The only things that interested the kids were the robotic manipulation arms where you can practice your skills at moving objects remotely (you know, to avoid the massive doses of radiation you'd otherwise receive).

Indy:  We need to generate 1.21 gigawatts
Dash:  When did Dad install a flux capacitor?
After seeing the inventory of spent fuel rods and the 39-inch thick windows used in the real remote manipulating area, I was hoping they had done their numbers right. 

I put the kids in a dark cupboard afterwards just to check they weren't glowing.

Indy:  It's the three fewer neutrons
that make Uranium 235 so unstable.