Saturday 1 June 2013

Columbia River Gorge

Cascade Locks, where we've stayed for a couple of nights, is a town on the Oregon side of the Columbia River where a lock system once helped boats through some particularly hairy rapids. 

We used it as our base to explore the Columbia Gorge.

After a play in the stern wheeler playground and a look at the locks at Marine Park we travelled along the Historic Columbia River Highway developed in the early 20th century.
This area is home to another impressive set of waterfalls, with the highlight being the Multnomah Falls. 

But after the quiet serenity of Silver Falls, these gorgeous falls felt a bit like a circus. So many people and buses! There's a reason places get popular though, right? It's because they're awesome and these double falls were indeed very impressive. 

I just wish you could snap your fingers and experience them alone.

Our favourite part of driving in this area was the Bridge of the Gods, a see-through steel construction with a 15mph limit which we crossed over to enter Washington.