Wednesday 15 May 2013

Lake Tahoe

After 7 days of dry camping we drove into the Lake Tahoe area and finally managed to get a bit of reception.

Only then did I find out I'd missed most of Mother's Day! Doh!

Never fear... the boys took me out for a delightful dinner at Denny's - is there anything better?

We found a campsite at the South Lake Tahoe City campground and spent a couple of nights there while we restocked and washed etc. A great nearby playground and ample chances to bike/scoot kept the kids amused.

We explored a little of the eastern (Nevada) side of the lake before heading north along the west coast, stopping in at Emerald Bay along the way.

The fact that all state and forest campgrounds around that side of the lake were still closed ('for the season') was a disappointing surprise and as rain started to fall, we turned away from the lake.

Heading for truckee, north west of the lake, we came across a great little forest campground that was actually open.

We took an awesome little site right beside the river and with hardly anybody else in the campground, we decided to stay put for a couple of nights and just enjoy the serenity.

The boys made a little boat and floated it down the river on a string. Even after hours fighting the rapids it still managed to come out in one piece!

And an industrious beaver kept making his way upstream to grab some twigs and branches and then would float his way back down with the current and into a burrow hidden on the banks across from us.