Saturday 11 May 2013

Tioga Pass

Green with envy over Nath's hike yesterday, I set out today to do a quick return trip to the upper yosemite falls overlook and yosemite point for myself (14.4km return).

Nath kindly dropped me at the trail head and then took the kids back to Happy Isles (where I'd taken them the day before).

On their return, they waited for me with Bessie parked just near the lower yosemite falls.

The spot had lovely views of the falls and the kids enjoyed playing in the meadow.

I totally saw what Nath had been saying. It was nice to see the valley from that northern side. (Five years ago we did a loop down into the valley that started and finished at Glacier Point on the southern side and this walk provided a very different perspective).

I think it's a shame that most people seem to stop at the Falls overlook and don't continue on to Yosemite Point which offered much more spectacular views.

On the way back down, I heard a classic statement from a young guy (shirt off) who was half-way up and telling his friend:
"Man, I'm a bullet. They're probably like 'hey, where'd he go', but you know I just like to smash it out right".

Yes, yes, you are a bullet and you are other things too.

Once I was back down, we pulled out and felt like incredibly lucky ducks driving over the Tioga Pass on opening day. B-eaut-i-ful!!

So much snow! So divine!

And we weren't alone in thinking so. The number of professional photographers with their heavy equipment and massive tripods at every turn was testament to how pure and untouched this landscape looked (being uncovered for the first time since winter).

We stopped many, many times for snowball fights and photo taking and general vista admiring. And beyond the eastern exit of the national park, found a forest campsite not far from a stream.

Goodbye Yosemite! We'll be back!