Tuesday 23 July 2013

Good times stop rolling in middle America

We've crossed four state borders since our previous blog (from Colorado to Nebraska to Iowa to Illinois to Iowa).

While most of that time has been as exciting as watching corn grow (literally) there have been several stand-out moments:


Just shy of the Colorado-Nebraska border we were in a campground beside a correctional facility (yes, only the best will do) when a team of police cars arrived with lights and guns and action and tore around the campground shining lights into all of the RVs. 

We watched them prowling around for half an hour before they took away a guy in cuffs from the RV two doors down from us. 

Better than Cable TV!


In Iowa we saw the biggest truck stop in the whole wide world or probably even the universe!

'How do they know it's the biggest one in the world?' I hear you ask...

I don't know, but I'm sure we can trust that the marketing team behind the slogan conducted an accurate worldwide study measuring truck stop size before issuing that very bold statement. 

And it's in the Lonely Planet so it must be true.


Not far into Illinois and on the interstate, all hell broke loose in Bessie's engine and we limped off an exit.

We would later describe the noise to our roadside assistance as being a bit like a hiss of radio static that quickly became this massive bumpity bump bump.

Strangely they weren't able to diagnose the problem over the phone, even with our detailed explanation so we spent a couple of hours waiting for a tow truck. 

We arrived at the mechanic's (back across the border in Iowa) right on closing time but they kindly let us spend the night in their car lot (inside Bessie) and even hooked us up with some electricity.

This morning the problem has been diagnosed - a broken drive shaft! - so poor Bessie's not so tough after all.

There were big sighs of relief when we found out the warranty covers her repairs and now we're relaxing at a local motel while we wait for the parts to arrive from Chicago tomorrow.

We are going to give the boys their first bath in 113 days!