Saturday 6 July 2013

World's Stinkiest Fun

Having spent most of the 4th of July driving (and detouring town parades), we awoke in Thermopolis, Wyoming on the fifth and decided to check out the World's Largest Mineral Hot Spring.

But wait, it's not just the world's largest mineral hot spring..... It also has a collection of waterslide businesses that could claim the title for the world's stinkiest fun.

We spent the morning at one of these, overlooking the massive thermal terraces that were drip, drip, dripping their boiling hot load straight into the Wind River that winds its way past the State Park they sit within.

We must have walked up the outside slide structure about 100 times and the kids were showing no signs of slowing down when a thunderstorm rolled through and we were ordered into the inner structure.

Well, the slide housed within the building itself MUST be the world's stinkiest slide. To beat this one for the title, a waterslide would have to make its riders actually throw up instead of just making them gag.

The sulphur stench was intense. IN-TENSE!!!

In fact, the air inside the steam room was even worse. Nath had suggested it was nice and I should go check it out. I came close to throwing up and I'm the one with the iron guts in this operation.

Once the thunderstorm had passed, we went on the outside slide about a hundred times more. Dash and Indy took to going down together with Indy sitting behind Dash and holding on to him. Nath or I would wait at the bottom to catch Dash. It was very cute and at the same time disturbing. The boys kept collaborating to stop mid-slide, trying to create slide jams and other mischief.

Allowing the stinky sulphur water to sit on our skin and work its 'magic', we set off in Bessie to explore the Bison corrals which are also in the State Park area, before heading south through the Wind River Canyon to Boysen State Park, where we camped for the night.

The next day, cutting from Riverton to Sweetwater Station along the 135 with no expectations for the drive whatsoever, we encountered the most unexpectedly beautiful arid landscape.