Sunday 28 July 2013

Party time in the Adirondacks

Indy had been voicing for a while that his birthday in January was way too close to Christmas and had eventually twisted our arms into celebrating a 'Half Birthday'.

So today, on 28 July, we sang happy birthday, shared birthday cake and gave a present (a real watch; not a toy) to a special little boy who turned five and a half.

What we didn't know was that today was also the day of the triathlon being held in the Adirondack Mountains, a section of New York State we were checking out en route to the Atlantic coast.

The area is teeming with dark rock-strewn streams and lakes where the trees and moss grow right down to the edge of the water, giving it almost a Japanese garden vibe.

The quaint lakeside homes all sport Adirondack chairs (quite fitting really) out on their timber decks and pontoons.

We had thought the area nice but it wasn't until we hit the triathlon detours in the heart of the former Olympic host city of Lake Placid, sending us miles off our chosen course, that we encountered the loveliest territory of the day. Hooray for serendipity!

Highway 86, a road we hadn't been planning on driving at all, was by far the most scenic of the drive and so we later thanked the State Troopers in our minds though at the time of the redirection we'd been feeling a bit put out.

We camped the night in a city campsite at Port Henry and the boys played on the shores of Lake Champlain, bordering on Vermont, as the sun set on a great day.