Sunday 7 July 2013

Medicine Bow Mountains

In the South East corner of Wyoming, the 130 is a scenic road cutting through the Medicine Bow Mountains.

The mountains themselves are predominantly quartzite which gives them a distinctive greyish-white glow.
The area close to the Snowy Range Pass (at 10,847 feet) is dotted with alpine lakes and streams, a couple of which we explored on foot.

Continuing east, the sub-alpine forests were replaced shockingly quickly by less interesting territory, however as we headed across the border into Colorado along the 287, the landscape became scenic in a completely different way, with cool red rock formations starting to grace either side of the road.

We parked ourselves in an RV park at Estes Park for the night, and enjoyed all the fun of the place, including a playground and free rides on a little "train" the park runs every night during summer.